However, the "impact" of the Far South Games foreshadows a bright future for this civilized and progressive cause. 但是,远南运动会掀起的冲击波,预示着这项文明、进步的事业前景是美好的。
Where the managers can prove that the progressive growth rates are reasonable, the expected future cash flow of the asset may base on the progressive growth rates. 企业管理层如能证明递增的增长率是合理的,可以以递增的增长率为基础。
In fact, the future destiny of the progressive movement was largely in his hands. 事实上是进步运动的未来命运主要掌握在他的手中。
"Dr Tuja will build a brighter future for Kachin State by forming the Kachin State Progressive Party representing the Kachin nationals," it concluded. 评论结论“杜嘉博士成立代表克钦各族人民的‘克钦邦进步党’建设克钦邦光明的未来”。
Open the path to point to reflect the expression of an open society, open to the future of progressive social engineering. 开放性的路径指向体现为向社会表达开放、向未来开放的渐进性社会工程。
In future, however, when the progressive forces expand, they will exert a very great influence, although they do not have a decisive bearing at present. 将来这个力量发展起来,会起很大的影响,现在不起决定影响。
` I will be running 'is an example of the future progressive. 我将要在跑是将来进行时态的一个例句。
The European centre-left tipped up in Oslo the other day to chart the future of progressive governance. 前几天,欧洲中左翼齐聚奥斯陆,绘制进步党执政的未来。
In China, since future market was established, it has been adjusted constantly, in the progressive market, how more better to utilize hedge tactics to evade market risk? 在中国,自期货市场建立以来,不断地进行规划调整,在逐步健全的市场里面,怎样才能更好的利用期货市场套期保值策略规避风险呢?
By analyzing the present situation of the theory of the sustainable development, It points out its future route, in order to quicken perfecting theory, and finally realizes three units harmonious and unified, which involve economy prosper and ecology environment safety and the society progressive. 本文通过对可持续发展理论现状的分析,指出其未来路径,以加快其理论上的完善,最终实现经济繁荣、生态环境安全和社会进步三者的和谐统一。
An overview of the present status and the future prospects are described. The important technique innovations and the progressive tendency on the regenerative refrigeration technology of the pulse tube, G-M, Stirling and Boreas refrigerators are summarized. 概述回热式(不包括非回热式)气体制冷技术的现状和前景,对PT,G-M,St和Boreas等各种制冷机的重大技术革新进行了扼要介绍,指出发展趋势。
Based on thorough analysis of previous research result, it was presented the key technology and feasible method for progressive transmission of vector map data. Finally, it was an outlook for the future of progressive transmission of vector map data. 在分析目前在此方面研究成果的基础上,提出矢量地图数据渐进式传输的关键技术和可行途径,对未来的发展趋势进行展望。
Chinese advanced culture, which faces the modernization, the world and the future, is a progressive one with Chinese characteristics. 中国先进文化是面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的具有中国特色的进步文化。
Thus, the field of logistics in the future, part of the progressive development of excellent The Third-party logistics will become a trend for The Fourth. 由此可见,将来物流发展的方向就是一部分优秀的第三方物流逐步发展成为第四方物流,这是未来物流发展的大势所趋。
Finally, according to the teaching problems in the implementation process of the learning case, we are put forward the future research work. "The graduation progressive teaching case" is a feasible and efficient teaching mode, it need farther improvement and extension. 最后根据学案实施过程中存在的问题对今后的研究工作提出了设想。分层递进式导学案教学是一种可行而且高效的教学模式,需要进一步完善和推广。
Implant loading success the most important precondition is the initial stability, has a good primary stability has laid a good foundation for the future progressive weight-bearing. 种植体负重成功最主要的前提就是初期稳定性,具有良好的初期稳定性为将来逐步负重奠定了良好的基础。